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パイプマスターズとピーナッツの仲間たち! | Snoopy’s Surf Shop



アロハ〜🤙 Aloha!



About ten days ago, the surf contest, Pipemasters, ended beautifully. The place where the event happened was where the famous surf spot called Pipeline. The place is naughty. It is very shallow. The depth of water is about 30 cm. It’s not sand bottom though it is the bed of sharp coral reef which off cause is producing the many injury surfers every surf season.




It is an honor to be a Pipemasters ( All winner has been calling by people like this). But it’s not only that but also this contest was the last contest for World Surf League and Triple Crown.




In most cases, a champion of the year is decided before Pipemasters or during Pipemasters such as 3rd round or 4th  round because of a point system.  In that case, it is kind of (kind of, not 100 percent though) boring after the champion was born.




However, this time was different from those times!!




Those two surfers, Gabriel Medina and Italo Ferreira, had a chance to be a world champion made it to the final which means, whoever won the final heat become 2019 world champion and Pipemasters!




(Kelly Slater, who has 11 times world title, took the title of Triple Crown for his first time.)




Final heat…




Yes, Gabriel’s surfing was excellent! He knows how to get speed in tubes, he knows how to slow down in tubes. His surfing was so calculated and hardly make mistake! On the other hand, Italo was sooooo hungry somehow so that it seemed all the surrounding energies worked for him.  The big difference between them was wave selection. The waves Italo caught was better than Gab’s. Thus Italo won. He became Pipemasters and 2019 World Champion!!




If you were watching the contest in live, you might realized that Italo had a group of supporters. Include his girlfriend, they supported him very enthusiastically. They wore the same hat and shirt that has Italo face on it.  And the group was made by not only Brazilians but also Jamie O’ Brien who is former Pipemasters and still has one of the best Pipeline skilled surfers.







This is how I think….




The successfull people seem to be a loner but it is not.  To accomplish something in society always need support from its surrounding. They also understand how to give back to them.




I figured out why Snoopy was loved by many people for such a long time. It is love and support from fans and friends in Peanuts.




Thanks for reading!




See you next time.






Address(住所) 66-239 Kamehameha Hwy,Haleiwa, HI 96712

Tel(電話) 1 (808) 637-9401

Open Hours; 10 am to 6 pm  開店時間 午前10時〜午後6時 土日も同じ

WEB: https://snoopysurf.com


snoopy's surf shop