Mahalo ! 「Snoopy’s Surf Shop」 があなたの町にやって来る!




ハワイよりアロハとハッピーを皆様にお届けするため、SNOOPY’S SURF SHOP移動販売車は


ハワイムードいっぱいのオリジナルJOE SURFERアイテムをお楽しみください♪






◇ 2023年移動販売スケジュール◇ 

8/19 ()福井県 大和田アピタ東海大和田10:00-17:00
8/20 ()岐阜県 各務原市アピタ各務原10:00-17:00
8/26 ()愛知県 長久手市アピタ長久手10:00-17:00
8/27()奈良県 大和郡山市アピタ大和郡山10:00-17:00
9/2 (土)富山県 砺波市イオンモールとなみ10:00-17:00
9/3 (日)長野県 上田市イオンスタイル上田10:00-17:00
9/9  (土)石川県 かほく市イオンモールかほく10:00-17:00
9/10 (日)新潟県 新潟市イオン新潟西10:00-17:00
9/16 (土)栃木県 宇都宮市アピタ宇都宮10:00-17:00
9/17 (日)新潟県 上越市イオン上越SC10:00-17:00
9/23 (土)~9/24 (日)神奈川県 平塚市THE OUTLETS SHONAN HIRATSUKA10:00-17:00

Thanks to all of you, many people come to our store for mobile sales in various places. 

“We would like to thank everyone who came to our store in the heat.”  

 The SNOOPY’S SURF SHOP mobile sales vehicle will continue its new journey to deliver aloha and happiness from Hawaii to everyone.

 Please enjoy original JOE SURFER items full of Hawaiian mood ♪ 

(Depending on the date, the products in the photos may be sold out. Please understand in advance.)

*As this is an outdoor event, please wear a hat to protect against the heat and drink water frequently. *This event will be held rain or shine. However, it may be canceled in the event of stormy weather such as a typhoon. We will inform you of any changes on the day and the future schedule on Instagram and the website.  There may be additions or changes to the venue schedule, so we will keep you informed.