SNOOPY’S SURF SHOPのスタジアムジャケットが登場♪
大きく背中に入ったシャカのポーズをするオリジナルのJOE SURFERが丁寧な刺繍で

クールなJoe Surferスタジャンでお出かけしよう♪

SNOOPY’S SURF SHOP’s stadium jacket is now available♪
The original JOE SURFER in a big Shaka pose is beautifully embroidered on the back, so it’s
sure to be one to be proud of!
The embroidery on the chest is also a great feature.
Perfect for surfing, outdoors, watching sports, etc. Let’s go out with the cool Joe Surfer
stadium jacket♪
Available at Hawaii stores, mobile sales, and pop-up stores!
(Please note that products are limited items.)