SNOOPY’S SURF SHOP サーフ&キャンプがテーマの箱型キャンバス収納ボックスは
SNOOPY ’S SURF SHOP A box-shaped canvas storage box with the theme of surf and camping is on sale at Hankyu Umeda Snoopy 2021.
Recommended for storing small items and clothing as well as storage boxes for outdoor items.
It can be folded compactly and easy to move, so it can be used as a storage box in the car ♪

期間 8/11-8/24まで阪急うめだ本店・9階催事場・祝祭広場にて。
SNOOPY’S SURF SHOPからはこのフェスティバルで新登場のアイテムがズラリ♪
阪急うめだスヌーピーフェスティバル2021 オンラインストアー
期間 8/3-8/23まで

■ Hankyu Umeda Snoopy Festival 2021
Period: Until 8 / 11-8 / 24 at Hankyu Umeda Main Store,
9th floor exhibition hall, festival open space.
From SNOOPY ’S SURF SHOP, there are a lot of new items at this festival ♪
Hankyu Umeda Snoopy Festival 2021 Online Store
Period 8 / 3-8 / 23